Ultra-Dome Rolls are now manufactured from our Tritan formulation making them "almost indestructible". A combination of recycled nylon fibers and rubber blended to manufacture a mat that is oblivious to extreme conditions, metal working areas, welding areas and milling lines.
Ultra-Dome Rolls anti-fatigue mats´ combination of dome surface with evenly spaced compression knobs on the underside, provide a resilient active surface, unparalleled comfort and excellent anti-slip characteristics.
The Tritan formulation used to manufacture Ultra-Dome stands up to inorganic materials such as caustic soda as well as nitric, sulfuric and hydrochloric acids. It stands up to organic materials such us methyl alcohol, mineral oil, and ethylene glycol.
Ultra-Dome Rolls suffer no signs of deterioration at 400 degrees Fahrenheit, no fractures or visible cracks due to cold temperature, -45 degrees Fahrenheit.
Ultra-Dome Rolls with their Tritan Formulation are priced to complete and meet everybody´s budget.
Ultra-Dome is available in full 60 foot rolls or cut lengths with beveled edges applied to cut ends.